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Javier Perez-Capdevila is a distinguished Cuban scientist, Phylosofiæ Doctor in Economic Sciences internationally recognized for his contributions to fuzzy mathematics and applied mathematics in various scientific fields, which include Economics, Management, Environment and Accounting. He known for his communication skills in conferences along with creativity and scientific versatility, which he demonstrates in Cuba and several Universities around the world.
Perez-Capdevila was honored with the Order of "Carlos Juan Finlay", the most important honor granted by the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba for significant contributions to science that benefit social, economic and environmental development. He was also awarded the grand prize of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba, along with other accolades.
He has contributed to various scientific areas, and has demonstrated the ability for theoretical contributions, which apply in practice.
He is recognized as a polymath, a person of great learning in several fields of study, because his achievements stand out in many scientific disciplines.
He is a humanist and pacifist, who strongly values education. Javier Perez-Capdevila has devoted his scientific studies and achievements to the benefit of humanity.  

Main scientific contributions

His most recent scientific contribution was a Statistical and mathematical method to monitor COVID-19 status in relation to the peak of the epidemic.
His most identity scientific contribution is the mixture of fuzzy sets, an operation that mixes elements of different nature with a operation of sets, for which he constructed a definition of multiple parts. It is the first that appears of its kind at an international level, and is applicable to many fields of life.
He has introduced several definitions in Fuzzy Mathematics and has creatively exemplified their application in practice. Among them: harmonic fuzzy set, overweight in adaptation and tiebreak coefficient for equal adaptation coefficients.
He has broadened the potential of adaptation to profiles in fuzzy mathematics. Especially by providing the definitions of overweight in the suitability and tie-break coefficient for equal adjustment coefficients, which applies to selective processes of the practice, such as selection of people in the management of human capital, selection of seeds in agriculture, selection of breeders and reproducers in livestock, among multiple fields of knowledge and practice.
The field of applied mathematics he has made important theoretical and practical contributions to evaluate the effects and control of exotic invasive species economically. Concepts and definitions of: individual benefit of an invasive alien species, collective benefit of an invasive exotic species, a priori cost-benefit analysis of an invasive exotic species, a posteriori cost-benefit analysis of an invasive alien species, were contributed by him.
He has also made significant theoretical and practical contributions in the field of mathematics applied to Management. He defined, based on the use of scientific methods, a precise and measurable concept of labor competencies, introduced the concept of labor competency maps, a classification of people based on the map of labor competencies and, established a method to value and measure labor competencies and build their map. In addition, he created a method to determine the monetary impact of labor competencies on salary payments, and a simulator that relates skills to productivity and quality of work.
He contributed to science a fuzzy method for the SWOT analysis, which overcomes all the limitations of the previous methods, establishing itself as the most complete method that appears up to now in the scientific literature worldwide.
In his work highlights that directed the first study of perception of science and technology that has been made in Cuba, and stood out as a researcher with important contributions in the first study of sustainability assessment in Cuba.
He brought two new concepts and their definitions: potential for return and immigration potential, whose application will help effectively in the process of repopulating the Cuban mountains.

Main Awards

1. Juan Tomás Roig Medal in January 2017 (Awarded for more than 30 years of service, in recognition of the merits achieved as a worker linked to scientific work in various branches of the economy and social life of the country).
2. Scientific Comprehensiveness Award, which was awarded one time only in Guantánamo, Cuba, on January 20, 2017.
3. Award for Scientific Excellence, from the Research Center of the Free University of Colombia, Cartagena Section, on April 7, 2014.
4. Carlos J. Finlay order in January 2014 (It is the highest scientific recognition awarded in Cuba. This award is conferred by the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba to Cuban and foreign citizens in recognition of extraordinary merits for valuable contributions to the development of Natural or Social Sciences, scientific or research activities that have contributed exceptionally to the progress of sciences and for the benefit of humanity).
5. Antonio Bachiller y Morales Commemorative Seal in June 2013 (The highest decoration awarded by the Cuban Society of Information Sciences. Awarded to Javier Pérez Capdevila for relevant contributions to knowledge management, both in the field of theory and in practice).
6. National Award of the Cuban Academy of Sciences in March 2013 (The highest Prize awarded by the Cuban Academy of Sciences to Cuban scientists for relevant results with manifest impacts).
7. Future Shapers Honorary Seal in January 2013(It is granted by the National Presidency of the Youth Technical Brigades of Cuba in an exceptional way to outstanding personalities of science).
8. Annual Award of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment for scientific and innovation results in the years 2003, 2004, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
9. Special Award from the Minister of Education in 1997.

Honorary distinctions

1. Academic of Honor of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba (2021).
2. Distinction of the Superior Council as Visiting Professor of the University of Cartagena (2017)
3. Honorary Member of the Colombian Network of Accounting Research for Development (2017)
4. Distinction as Honorary Professor of the COMFENALCO Technological University (2014)

International Memberships

1. Latinamerican Society of Science and Technology (SOLACYT)
2. Latinamerican and Caribbean Mathematics Union
3. World Economics Association
4. International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
5. International Mathematical Union
6. American Educational Research Association
7. Association for project management
8. International Society for Environmental Information Sciences
9. Freelancers Union, Member ID 6811472

Signatory of international declarations and international initiatives

1. The Berlin Declaration on Open Access (2003) No. 646
2. DORA-Declaration on Research Assessment (2012)
3. Iniciativa Helsinki sobre Multilingüismo en la Comunicación Científica (2019)

Main scientific books and articles

1. DEFINITION, MEASUREMENT AND MAPS OF LABOR COMPETENCES. Havana: Editorial Universitaria, 2017. ISBN 9591640099. OCLC 1054025540.
2. REFERENCES FOR AN ANALYSIS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. June 2013. University of Alcalá de Henares, Publications Service, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-15595-86-1.
3. NOTEBOOK 4: EVALUATION OF DEVELOPMENT IN MUNICIPALITIES IN CUBA. BARACOA, published by the University of Alcalá de Henares in 2013.
4. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FROM A POPULAR OPTICS. February 2011. Editorial Academia.
ISBN 978-959-270-198-4
5. THE AGE OF KNOWLEDGE. September 2003. Editorial El Mar y la Montaña. ISBN 978-959-7041-89-4.

1. Mathematical statistical method to identify the status of COVID-19 in relation to the epidemic peak. Scientific Information Magazine. Vol. 99, No. 6 (2020). ISSN 1028-9933
2. Prediction of the probability of bleeding from the use of warfarin sodium. Cuban Magazine of Pharmacy. Vol. 52, No. 3 (2019). ISSN 1561-2988.
3. Predictive model of the risk of death due to pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation. Cuban Journal of Medical Informatics. Vol. 11, No. 2, July-December, 2019: 90-99. ISSN 1684-1859.
4. Evidence of bad practices in criticism of bibliography and bibliographic references. Magazine "EduSol". Vol. 19, No. 69, October-December, 2019. ISSN 1729-8091.
5. Essential aspects of arbitration in scientific journals. Scientific Information Magazine. Vol. 98, No. 5, 2019. ISSN 1028-9933.
6. Model of the probability of death due to cardiac arrhythmia in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Cuban Journal of Intensive and Emergency Medicine. Vol. 18 No. 2, 1-14, 2019. ISSN 1810-2352.
7. Factors related to mortality from ventilator-associated pneumonia in older adults. Electronic Magazine Dr. Zoilo E. Marinello Vidaurreta. Vol. 43, No. 5, 2018. ISSN 1029-3027.
8. Habitual expressions and actions that hinder scientific investigations. Magazine "EduSol". Vol. 18, No. 65, October-December, 2017. ISSN 1729-8091.15.
9. Interdependence between class quality and promotion at the University. Magazine "EduSol". Vol. 17, No. 58, January-March, 2017. ISSN 1729-8091.15.
10. Differences between politics and science in Cuba. Magazine "Knowledge, science and freedom." Vol. 11, no.2. Year 2016. ISSN: 1794-7154.16.
11. Critical analysis of a normative document. Cuban Standard 3000. Magazine "Ciencias Holguín". Vol. 22, No.3, July-September, 2016. ISSN 1027-2127.
12. On the mixture of fuzzy sets and examples of application in management. Economic Panorama Magazine. Volume 23, year 2015. ISSN 0122-8900.
13. Cost-benefit analysis of invasive alien species. Revista Hombre, Ciencia y Tecnología Vol. 19, No. 1, January-March pp. 58-65, 2015. ISSN: 1028-0871.
14. Theoretical contributions to Blurred Mathematics. Advanced Scientific Journal Vol. 17, No 1. (January-April 2014), pp. 16-24. ISSN 1029-3450.
15. Attacks against scientific publications. Knowledge, science and freedom magazine. Vol. 8, no.1 3. Year 2013. ISSN: 1794-7154.
16. Lonely mountains need company. Man, Science and Technology Magazine. No. 68. Year 2013. ISSN 1028-0871.
17. A theory of adequacy. Advanced Scientific Journal Vol. 16 No. 1. (January-April 2013). ISSN 1029-3450.
18. Measurement of skills and monetary impact on salary payment. Science Magazine on your PC. №2, (April-June, 2012). ISSN 1027-2887.

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